Friday, October 31, 2014

Not much has been going on lately, at all. :P It's nice and chilly out tonight, which should make for perfect Trick-Or-Treating weather. 
The sky's also really overcast and gloomy. ^ Last year (or was it the year before? o.o) it started drizzling the tiniest bit and all of the kids freaked out because the parents kept on calling it a 'large storm,' or something. But it never actually was a storm at all.
This year I'm going with my younger brother and 2 year old cousin, who is currently entertaining himself by watching annoying toddler videos about 'swimming in the swimming pool.' It's rather traumatizing to my ears. >.< *groans loudly*
I'm going as the Roman goddess of snow, Khione. I'm wearing a velvety blue dress with itchy silver embroidery and a trim that's feathery and soft. Here'r a few photos of it:

(For some reason, my weird natural highlights look sparkly in that photo o3o)
A few days ago, we also took my cousin Mason to the zoo. I'm not always the biggest fan of zoos, but this one was okay. ^.^
We went to see the small mammals, and one of them hopped back and forth in front of the glass as if posing. It was rather weird.

We also saw this mammal who was sleeping pressed against a rock. It doesn't sound very comfortable, but for some reason, he managed to stay balanced by pressing himself against the top!
A bit after I took that photo, the furry animal seemed to wake up a bit and started gnawing on the rock.

He also had a friend, who was perched on the ledge above him:
There were also these two mammals that looked like a mixture of a hamster and a rabbit, who were gnawing on hay.

After that, we took my cousin on the ferris wheel. He kept looking at the animals bobbing up and down as if they were alive!
Well, I should probably go: mom's calling me for dinner.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Today's been sort of a lazy day, with me finishing up a bit of homework and watching a few episodes of Dr. Who, Series 6 (which turned out to be fantastic :D).
The Time of the Angels, the one that I'm on, is massively creepy. o.o Definitely fitting for Halloween.
The only other non-dull things happening are that two pumpkins are growing in my yard, and by now they're pretty enormous. Almost the size of my head by now! We think that they may be able to be harvested soon ^.^
We have this weird tradition of naming our pumpkins: the first one being Greg (obviously chosen by my brother), the second Squash (me being ironic), and the third is something like... Tom? I forget. :P
I also made a poster based on a book I read, Counting by 7s, for school. It took me eons to color everything in neatly. >.<
I THREE tests next week- one on Wednesday, one on Monday, and one on Friday. *groans loudly*

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

More Trip Photos ^-^

 Gorgeous flower.
 My eye
 Beautiful Hawaiian mountainside.
 Pineappley vanilla dole whip!
 Tiki torches.
 Waves crashing on the rocks.
 Sea foam spray.
Feet in the tide pool c:

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

I'm currently sitting on a wicker chair on the hotel balcony, eating a blueberry muffin while I type. :3
Today, we haven't really done anything yet, but I have the feeling that we're going to go down and swim soon.
Yesterday, we had a lovely breakfast with waffles, muffins, yummy fruits, and perfectly cooked turkey bacon. It was quite yummy.
After that, we went down to take a swim in the ocean. I swam out wwwwaaaaayyyy over my head into the middle of it, and climbed onto the floaty platform-thingy. It was really wobbly, but I could stand up on it without falling over.
I also took a few photos. Here's one of a gorgeous Hawaiian flower:
You never see flowers like that where I live! :c
After we went to the beach and swam, we came back up to the hotel room and were lazy for a bit.
Then we went back out to listen to some Hawaiian lore that a storyteller was talking about. There was something about a dog carrying a shell in it's mouth o.o Anyways, it was very interesting!
Then after that, we got yummmyyyyy shaved ice.
The people were like: "Hi, what flavor do you want?! :D"
I was like," Um, can I try iced tea? Is it good?"
And one of the people was like," Well, I like iced tea, but this is a very... um... acquired taste." Then they handed me a sampler in a cute little cup. Instead of tasting like iced tea, it just tasted like artificial flavoring. X3
 I eventually decided on mango (you can't see it in the photo, because it's on the other side), watermelon, and lemon lime. It was tasty!
After that, we went to go swimming in the lazy river and in the pool that overlooks the ocean, which hopefully I'll have a picture of up later today.
My brother kept on trying to push my dad's donut-floatie thing under the water jets, and I would be like: "Edwinggg! That isn't nice >:c" and push the floatie AWAY from the water jets.
After that, we ended up having a battle over who would steer the donut floatie by splashing eachother with water and tugging on it, and eventually I just told him that it was pointless and we collaborated.
You haven't known being best friends and worst enemies unless you have a sibling. XD
As I was walking by the place where we'd been listening to the story, I noticed that the sun looked particularly picturesque through the palm trees, so I took a photo.
Later, as it was getting dark, we went to a Hawaiian festival. They gave us a smooth mat that looked like it was made out of soft, fluffy straw and we spread it out on the ground, then sat down to watch the festival.
It was really interesting, especially when the band started singing Hawaiian songs- that was my favorite part. The lead singer had an AMAZING voice. c:
The were also these random hula dancers with flowers in their hair who were like," Come learn the hula!" So I tried doing the hula, and felt ridiculous. (Especially with my big, clunky camera around my neck.)
And that's basically the story of my entire day!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Hello! ^.^
So we're currently on the island of Oahu, which is in Hawaii. :3 We're staying at this massive resort with a towering building and lots of levels stacked atop each other like a layer cake.
So, here's what happened today:
On the plane, edwingrim (my brother) had a rather bad nosebleed. Luckily, there just happened to be both a doctor and a nurse aboard! 
After about an hour or so, they were able to stop it from bleeding. It was scary, though- I cried. :c
Once we got to our hotel, they draped these leis made with orangey, fragrant flowers around our necks and handed us glasses of this weird orange-melon water that tasted citrusy, but yummy.
Then we went to this restaurant to eat lunch. I wanted to get a lemon tart, but I have a few random allergies, so I couldn't have it. D:
I ended up getting this delicious sticky white rice and chicken nuggets with fruit. The chicken nuggets were all chewy and awful, though. >.<
After a while of asking and asking and asking and asking, mom finally agreed to take Ed and I to swim in the pools. We went on the Lazy River several times. To amuse myself, I:
  • Swam backwards AGAINST the current, which actually worked, even though it was really strong.
  • Swam over to all of the random waterfalls along the side of the Lazy River and dunked my head under. Something about waterfalls really interests me, for some reason. o.e
  • Pushed all of the loose donut-shaped floatation devices out of the way of random people. (It made me smile when they said "thank you." c:)
  • Steered Ed (in his floating device-thingy) away from the random bursts of water so that the water didn't touch his nose.
  • Did tons of other random stuff, like listen to snatches of conversation.
  • Listen when this random guy said to me "look" and pointed into the sky, and when I looked said," GULLIBLE! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!"
After that, we decided that we had to go on a waterslide or else the world would cease to exist. So we chose the scariest-looking one we could find (which wasn't saying much, because our choices were limited), got our donut-tubes, and stepped into line.
We kept on thinking that we were almost to the top, but then we would go around a turn and see that we weren't, so we would say "oh" and be disappointed.
Eventually we DID get to the top, but then it was slow and, all in all, not really worth it. There were a bunch of random turns, and then it was over.
After that, we asked a life guard where a bunch of random stuff was (eg. hot tubs, specific pools) and found this pool with an overhang and some water that tumbled into a bunch of sharp rocks below. Edwingrim didn't like it because he thought it was unsafe, but it had an amazing view. It was my favorite pool, personally. :D
After exploring a bit more, we went back to the hotel room and were unproductive. Jet lag can to that to ya. X3
Sorry for the lack of pictures- I'm too tired to upload them, which makes sense considering this time yesterday I would've been asleep in a different time zone.
Anyways, I'll try to make a post with some pictures tomorrow. In the meantime...

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Hello from San Francisco! ^.^
Okay, that sounded a bit cheesy. But hello, anyways. X3
SF is very... *cough* boisterous. But I like it! There are tons of quaint, random shops and pretzel stands and ice cream parlors. I'm also kind of jet lagged, but oh well.
This morning we went to breakfast at a cafe with this random waving cat.
 Cute, huh? :3
Oh, and in case you're wondering why the quality's a bit better, it's because I got a Nikon camera for my birthday! :D
Anyways, back to the day- I got some delicious chocolate pancakes, but I could only finish 1/4th of them (not counting the whipped cream).
After riding on a really speedy monorail that lurched every 5 seconds, we went to the gardens. They had a pond filled with these gorgeous swans. <3
Adorable and elegant, aren't they? c: The one in the last picture started honking very loudly, for some reason. o.e
There are also LOTS, and I mean LOTS of pigeons. Everywhere. If SF were a field, pigeons would be like blades of grass.
The birds here are very boisterous and loud. They fight over everything, down to the smallest scrap of bread.
Still, they're really adorable. My brother named the last pigeon "Chilled-Out Pigeon" because it let me stalk it with a camera for like 5-squillion years before it flew away. (Okay, it was actually five minutes. But that's a LOT for a pigeon, if you know pigeons. :p) 
Aaaand right now I'm listening to this weird song called Across the Universe on a computer music app.
Wow, the whole day doesn't sound too terribly exciting when I rehash it like this o.o

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The trip was great! ^.^ We weren't there all that long- only five days, actually- but it still managed to be lots of fun. c;
^Here's the view from the plane. Both flights were nice- smooth and short. That picture's of the sky at sunrise.
On both flights, I had some ginger ale. Plane travel makes me feel sick and kind of woozy, so I couldn't stomach too much.
Day 1-
Once we landed, our grandma picked us up at the airport and we rushed off to see our cousins! We ended up going to the park and playing tag (I won :D) and making chocolate chip cookies. (I was really tempted to eat the batter.)
They came out kind of sloppy and overlapping, but they tasted DELICIOUS.
Day 2-
We went to this random pizza place, but it started raining once we parked so we had to scurry under the awning as soon as we got out. I don't like pizza so I had pasta, cucumber, and apple pie with cinnamon. I also tried a mini brownie and a roll, but no one liked the rolls because they were too doughy. (bleah)
Later, we invited over a few family friends and we all had a barbecue and watched Despicable Me 2.
Day 3-
I went shopping with my mom at a bookstore, where I got tons of books. Two of them were written by John Green.
While we were walking in, I saw this sign:
 Couldn't agree more, sign. (: I looked on the other side hoping for a nice quote, but there was just a cheesy add for trinkets.
After that, we went to the grocery store and I got banana chocolate-chip muffins.
Day 4-
The weather was drizzly and miserable, so we went shopping for school supplies and clothes. We also watched Toy Story 3, which made me really nostalgic.
Day 5-
We celebrated my grandma's birthday, and had an early birthday party for me! ^.^ My birthday was on August 10th. We all went to the arcade and ate delicious chocolate cake, then unwrapped presents.
Day 6-
Left at 6:30 AM for the airport and got on the plane. I had a horrid stomach ache.
I just realized that I didn't actually take many pictures! :o
Well, never fear- we got my Nikon on the trip, so I should be able to upload some good photos from Hawaii. We're going first to San Franciso, then there in... two days, I think?

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Kentucky (Part 1)

We just got off of our flight to Kentucky. Luckily it was nice and smooth without too much trouble. ^.^ There was a huge delay of an hour before we could take off, so I just read and kept checking the time. By the end of the flight, I'd finished my entire. Novel. o.e
Unfortunately I'm writing all of this out on my phone, so I'm not exactly sure that photos'll work on it. :p However, I will have a few of 'em up sometime this week. (I hope)
It's nice and scenic here. The trees looked like loads of little green poufs from the plane, and the cars like teensy colorful beetles.
There's also a large amount of windmills, for some reason, probably because there are so many farms...
Welp, I'll update more later!
Ciao! c:

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Hello :)
The weather's been gorgeous lately. When I stepped outside, the sunrise was AMAZING. Here's a photo that I took of it:
You can kinda see a cherryblossom tree on the right side, except it looks all weird and dark o.o
Also, it's perfect weather for shadow-photography.
Please ignore my annoying feet in this picture. X3
Also, apparently we're leaving for Kentucky in 2 days, so I probably won't be posting too much. But who knows- I might be able to make a quick post on my phone at the airport!
Mom says that we have to start packing frantically today, as we don't have anything packed yet, oops.
Well, Ciao!
P.S. It feels weird using my Animal Jam name on my "real life" blog.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

I know, I'm hopeless about not posting. X3
Anyways, if you're wondering why I've been so neglectful, it's because I have camp from 9 AM- 5 PM every weekday of this week. It's a photography camp to help me choose which model of camera I'm going to get next week. ^.^
I think that I'm going to get a NikonD300 or something of the sort, because that was the type of camera recommended to me. I'm practically in love with the photos that Nikons take, I guess you could say. c;
I think that I filled up a lot of the storage of the borrowed Canon I'm using with photos of dewy leaves and flowers and that sort of thing. Hopefully people won't be weirded out by my photo-mania when they go to clear all of the photos off for someone else to use.
Today in the photography camp we took action shots of each other running and tossing balls and frisbees (I think that most of the ones I took turned out pretty well :3) and that sort of thing. I threw a frisbee for a bit as a live-action model. Then we did a bunch of editing with this photoshopping program, such as brightening and sharpening things.
By the end, I was really exhausted because I hadn't gotten much sleep the other night, so I kept almost dozing off and banging my head on the keyboard.
Then I went home, played a bit of Minecraft with Fluffiest my user is (PigeonYay, don't ask) and worked on math, since they're having me skip a year of it. *groan*
So, yeah. Right now I'm basically drinking iced tea and being unproductive. I'll update more (and hopefully with photos) tomorrow. (:

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Today was nice- swim practice, doctor's appointment, swim tryouts, all of the usual everyday stuff that I do. :3
Currently it's pouring down BUCKETLOADS. We (my mom, brother, and I) were in the car just a minute before it really started  really pouring, and basically the moment that we set foot onto the front porch the rain became dense and loud and started battering the trees.
Mom rushed out to cover the pumpkin/gourd vine growing in our lawn- I couldn't help her because I was changing out of my bathing suit- and made sure that nothing would blow away. The rain's fading out a bit now, but the forecast calls for "scattered showers" and there's still loud peals of thunder in the distance. We'll just have to wait and see.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Swim team was delayed because of some random event, so I got to wake up later. (what a relief!)
We swam a few sets of 100s (which equal four laps, FYI) and did a few racing dive practices, then played underwater sharks & minnows. ^.^
I have NO idea what I was thinking when I drew that^
By that point, it had started drizzling cold rain onto our heads so we were all relieved to hop into the water, which was considerably warmer.
We played Sharks & Minnows like this: you have to swim from one side of the pool to the other and if someone taps your head when you come up for a breath, you're out. If you swim underwater, though, they can't pull you out or make you into a shark by tapping you on the head.
I was going to play, but I'd kind of forgotten how to so I just sat out for a bit, then randomly hopped in. I didn't get tagged out at first, but tons of other people had already been tagged out before so I eventually got caught. X3
After that, I went on a nice walk with my dog, even though it feels sweltering out- like, 100-degrees fahrenheit-I-think-I'm melting-sweltering.
Now I'm just kind of sitting around, having nothing else really planned out for the day. Oh well.
Should I post more?

Sunday, July 6, 2014

My brother accidentally bopped me in the nose with the back of his head when he pushed off of the wall to do a backflip at the pool, and it's currently alternating between being numb and stinging. Ergh, I'm either going to get a huge black-and-blue bruise or have a puffy nose. Of course, it was an accident. I just happened to be standing behind him. :P
Well anyways, the 4th of July was tons of fun. ^.^ We went into my dad's work office to watch the fireworks from this dome on the roof. Somewhere around there we saw some ducks and ducklings in the harbor:
Cuties :3 I couldn't get a good photo because I was weaving in and out of people, and the ducks were too far away from the dock. Oh well.
Then we saw a gorgeous sunset^ C:
Then yesterday, we drove out to go on this large Ferris Wheel thingy.
Everyone else was panicking because it was so high up in the air (like, 100-something stories), but I had a lovely time of looking out of the glassed-in sides at the ducks on the water.
A while later, we found a "Peeps store" X3 and looked around inside. Here are a few photos.
The candle smelled delicious, btw. I really wanted to buy it, but it was way too steep; $24. Oh well, Yankee Candles are always kind of pricey. >.<
I'll be posting more because I don't have a ton of things to do next week. (phew!)

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Not much going on today.
I woke up at 9:20, which is shockingly late for me, but I'd been up hours longer than I should've because I was reading a good  book.
Because I don't really have any photos, here's a picture of my eye that FluffiestSlug took with her Nikon:
You can see all of the hazel dilations. o.o
I also discovered this weird yummy bottled tea called AriZona.
It's not what I'm used to, but it still tastes delicious. C:
Oh, and guess what?
My swim practices now start at 7:45 AM. So much for sleeping in.
AND I have a swim meet. >.<
Um, yeah. That's basically all.
Sorry for the boring post. Hopefully I'll have better ideas tomorrow.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Nope- it didn't rain. It only drizzled a bit. :p
But I went over to Fluffiest's house, and since her neighborhood is teeming with rabbits and birds, I took a few photos.
Dew on a spiderweb that was strung between the trampled plants.
A large orangey flower. They're springing up all over the place since it's the Summertime.
A purplish flower with purple-tinted petals- there were practically a field of them!
Fluffiest holding the camera with one hand and taking a photo of the flowers. We found a HUGE spider on one of them.
Yeesh. Big, isn't he? /).o
After about an hour of running around and photographing (or trying to photograph) various plants and animals, we saw a adorable cocoa-colored rabbit hopping about in one of the neighbor's yards!
He let us get really close. I took this without zoom. ^.^
I'll probably have more photos up tomorrow.