Wednesday, August 20, 2014

I'm currently sitting on a wicker chair on the hotel balcony, eating a blueberry muffin while I type. :3
Today, we haven't really done anything yet, but I have the feeling that we're going to go down and swim soon.
Yesterday, we had a lovely breakfast with waffles, muffins, yummy fruits, and perfectly cooked turkey bacon. It was quite yummy.
After that, we went down to take a swim in the ocean. I swam out wwwwaaaaayyyy over my head into the middle of it, and climbed onto the floaty platform-thingy. It was really wobbly, but I could stand up on it without falling over.
I also took a few photos. Here's one of a gorgeous Hawaiian flower:
You never see flowers like that where I live! :c
After we went to the beach and swam, we came back up to the hotel room and were lazy for a bit.
Then we went back out to listen to some Hawaiian lore that a storyteller was talking about. There was something about a dog carrying a shell in it's mouth o.o Anyways, it was very interesting!
Then after that, we got yummmyyyyy shaved ice.
The people were like: "Hi, what flavor do you want?! :D"
I was like," Um, can I try iced tea? Is it good?"
And one of the people was like," Well, I like iced tea, but this is a very... um... acquired taste." Then they handed me a sampler in a cute little cup. Instead of tasting like iced tea, it just tasted like artificial flavoring. X3
 I eventually decided on mango (you can't see it in the photo, because it's on the other side), watermelon, and lemon lime. It was tasty!
After that, we went to go swimming in the lazy river and in the pool that overlooks the ocean, which hopefully I'll have a picture of up later today.
My brother kept on trying to push my dad's donut-floatie thing under the water jets, and I would be like: "Edwinggg! That isn't nice >:c" and push the floatie AWAY from the water jets.
After that, we ended up having a battle over who would steer the donut floatie by splashing eachother with water and tugging on it, and eventually I just told him that it was pointless and we collaborated.
You haven't known being best friends and worst enemies unless you have a sibling. XD
As I was walking by the place where we'd been listening to the story, I noticed that the sun looked particularly picturesque through the palm trees, so I took a photo.
Later, as it was getting dark, we went to a Hawaiian festival. They gave us a smooth mat that looked like it was made out of soft, fluffy straw and we spread it out on the ground, then sat down to watch the festival.
It was really interesting, especially when the band started singing Hawaiian songs- that was my favorite part. The lead singer had an AMAZING voice. c:
The were also these random hula dancers with flowers in their hair who were like," Come learn the hula!" So I tried doing the hula, and felt ridiculous. (Especially with my big, clunky camera around my neck.)
And that's basically the story of my entire day!


  1. This sounds like the epic-est vacation ever :D
    I can't wait to hear more! :D
    (Wow, that's a lot of ":D"s.)


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