Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The trip was great! ^.^ We weren't there all that long- only five days, actually- but it still managed to be lots of fun. c;
^Here's the view from the plane. Both flights were nice- smooth and short. That picture's of the sky at sunrise.
On both flights, I had some ginger ale. Plane travel makes me feel sick and kind of woozy, so I couldn't stomach too much.
Day 1-
Once we landed, our grandma picked us up at the airport and we rushed off to see our cousins! We ended up going to the park and playing tag (I won :D) and making chocolate chip cookies. (I was really tempted to eat the batter.)
They came out kind of sloppy and overlapping, but they tasted DELICIOUS.
Day 2-
We went to this random pizza place, but it started raining once we parked so we had to scurry under the awning as soon as we got out. I don't like pizza so I had pasta, cucumber, and apple pie with cinnamon. I also tried a mini brownie and a roll, but no one liked the rolls because they were too doughy. (bleah)
Later, we invited over a few family friends and we all had a barbecue and watched Despicable Me 2.
Day 3-
I went shopping with my mom at a bookstore, where I got tons of books. Two of them were written by John Green.
While we were walking in, I saw this sign:
 Couldn't agree more, sign. (: I looked on the other side hoping for a nice quote, but there was just a cheesy add for trinkets.
After that, we went to the grocery store and I got banana chocolate-chip muffins.
Day 4-
The weather was drizzly and miserable, so we went shopping for school supplies and clothes. We also watched Toy Story 3, which made me really nostalgic.
Day 5-
We celebrated my grandma's birthday, and had an early birthday party for me! ^.^ My birthday was on August 10th. We all went to the arcade and ate delicious chocolate cake, then unwrapped presents.
Day 6-
Left at 6:30 AM for the airport and got on the plane. I had a horrid stomach ache.
I just realized that I didn't actually take many pictures! :o
Well, never fear- we got my Nikon on the trip, so I should be able to upload some good photos from Hawaii. We're going first to San Franciso, then there in... two days, I think?


  1. The first photo looks really pretty. ^.^

    Day 1: Oooo, cookies!
    Day 2: More food? XD
    Day 3: I agree with the sign. And also, MORE FOOD? XDDD
    Day 4: -nods head slowly-
    Day 5: Birthdays!
    Day 6: Ugh, planes. I hate planes. Erg.

    Can't wait to hear from your other trips!

    Overall, the trip sounds like fun! It sounds like you had a great time! :)

  2. Yes, the world would be very "EH" without art. :3
    It would also be very "EH" without EHdwingrim2.
    Okay, that was reeeally cheezy. XDDD


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