Saturday, August 16, 2014

Hello from San Francisco! ^.^
Okay, that sounded a bit cheesy. But hello, anyways. X3
SF is very... *cough* boisterous. But I like it! There are tons of quaint, random shops and pretzel stands and ice cream parlors. I'm also kind of jet lagged, but oh well.
This morning we went to breakfast at a cafe with this random waving cat.
 Cute, huh? :3
Oh, and in case you're wondering why the quality's a bit better, it's because I got a Nikon camera for my birthday! :D
Anyways, back to the day- I got some delicious chocolate pancakes, but I could only finish 1/4th of them (not counting the whipped cream).
After riding on a really speedy monorail that lurched every 5 seconds, we went to the gardens. They had a pond filled with these gorgeous swans. <3
Adorable and elegant, aren't they? c: The one in the last picture started honking very loudly, for some reason. o.e
There are also LOTS, and I mean LOTS of pigeons. Everywhere. If SF were a field, pigeons would be like blades of grass.
The birds here are very boisterous and loud. They fight over everything, down to the smallest scrap of bread.
Still, they're really adorable. My brother named the last pigeon "Chilled-Out Pigeon" because it let me stalk it with a camera for like 5-squillion years before it flew away. (Okay, it was actually five minutes. But that's a LOT for a pigeon, if you know pigeons. :p) 
Aaaand right now I'm listening to this weird song called Across the Universe on a computer music app.
Wow, the whole day doesn't sound too terribly exciting when I rehash it like this o.o


    I am so jealous of u, Edwing.
    Also, those swans and pigeons are ADORRRRRABLE! <333 And that waffle must have been delicious c:

    1. Aww, I would give you a good camera if I could! :c
      The waffle WAS delicious.

  2. I love the three swan photos - they look really good together!


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