Monday, August 18, 2014

Hello! ^.^
So we're currently on the island of Oahu, which is in Hawaii. :3 We're staying at this massive resort with a towering building and lots of levels stacked atop each other like a layer cake.
So, here's what happened today:
On the plane, edwingrim (my brother) had a rather bad nosebleed. Luckily, there just happened to be both a doctor and a nurse aboard! 
After about an hour or so, they were able to stop it from bleeding. It was scary, though- I cried. :c
Once we got to our hotel, they draped these leis made with orangey, fragrant flowers around our necks and handed us glasses of this weird orange-melon water that tasted citrusy, but yummy.
Then we went to this restaurant to eat lunch. I wanted to get a lemon tart, but I have a few random allergies, so I couldn't have it. D:
I ended up getting this delicious sticky white rice and chicken nuggets with fruit. The chicken nuggets were all chewy and awful, though. >.<
After a while of asking and asking and asking and asking, mom finally agreed to take Ed and I to swim in the pools. We went on the Lazy River several times. To amuse myself, I:
  • Swam backwards AGAINST the current, which actually worked, even though it was really strong.
  • Swam over to all of the random waterfalls along the side of the Lazy River and dunked my head under. Something about waterfalls really interests me, for some reason. o.e
  • Pushed all of the loose donut-shaped floatation devices out of the way of random people. (It made me smile when they said "thank you." c:)
  • Steered Ed (in his floating device-thingy) away from the random bursts of water so that the water didn't touch his nose.
  • Did tons of other random stuff, like listen to snatches of conversation.
  • Listen when this random guy said to me "look" and pointed into the sky, and when I looked said," GULLIBLE! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!"
After that, we decided that we had to go on a waterslide or else the world would cease to exist. So we chose the scariest-looking one we could find (which wasn't saying much, because our choices were limited), got our donut-tubes, and stepped into line.
We kept on thinking that we were almost to the top, but then we would go around a turn and see that we weren't, so we would say "oh" and be disappointed.
Eventually we DID get to the top, but then it was slow and, all in all, not really worth it. There were a bunch of random turns, and then it was over.
After that, we asked a life guard where a bunch of random stuff was (eg. hot tubs, specific pools) and found this pool with an overhang and some water that tumbled into a bunch of sharp rocks below. Edwingrim didn't like it because he thought it was unsafe, but it had an amazing view. It was my favorite pool, personally. :D
After exploring a bit more, we went back to the hotel room and were unproductive. Jet lag can to that to ya. X3
Sorry for the lack of pictures- I'm too tired to upload them, which makes sense considering this time yesterday I would've been asleep in a different time zone.
Anyways, I'll try to make a post with some pictures tomorrow. In the meantime...


  1. Coool! I love reading about your life, it's very fabulous. :D

  2. Is the "Lost River" a real river?
    The waterfalls and pools sound amazing!
    Must have photos!

    1. It's actually the Lazy River ^.^
      - and nope, it sadly isn't! D:


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