Friday, May 16, 2014

I was peacefully watching The God Complex (a Dr. Who episode) when suddenly there was a horrifying shriek from downstairs. 
I practically dropped my computer and dashed downstairs.
Apparently, it was my mom panicking over a salamander
It was adorable and small with a charcol-black body and little white and green stripes running down it's spine.
I couldn't see what was so scary about a tiny salamander, so I slid a sheet of paper under it (I couldn't touch it because... you know...salmonella.) and set in the flowers outside.
Mom told me to "wash my hands ten times" (she was partly joking) but I only washed them twice. Oops. :p
I didn't have time to snap a picture because I was too busy trying to get the sally outside, but that was the first priority anyways.
We're going to go and watch a show called "Hours of ___" (some number I can't remember) with a friend a bit later.
I'm already tired, though. *yawn*

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Today I went to this photography seminar that was serving rootbeer floats. I opted for just the vanilla ice cream, as I can be rather picky in that way. :3
There were like ten boys who came in, got a float, drank it, then immediately left.
Not very considerate, I know. It made me groan.
After that, I studied for my science vocabulary quiz and reading test, which was quite easy and didn't take long. I went over some flash cards, studied my binders, ect.
So now I'm left with no homework whatsoever.
Out of boredom, I'm going to make up a game. Comment 'yes' if you've ever done it, and 'no' if you haven't.
1. Sniffed flowers that you were sure were artificial, then found out that they were real.
2. Dropped an item onto your face while lying on your back and tossing it repeatedly into the air.
3. Taken a 'selfie.' (Tons of people do this, don't be ashamed.) In case you don't know what a selfie is, it's when you take a photo of yourself while holding the phone/camera.
4. Briefly or permanently quit Animal Jam.
5. Tried to say something witty but end up saying it unintelligibly and redirecting the topic.
5. Written a story then found it years later and noticed that it was complete rubbish.
6. Climbed into a tree and gotten your shoe/foot stuck in one of the branches.
7. Eaten Lucky Charms for breakfast.
8. Owned a vanilla-scented candle.
9. Gone on a high-speed thrill ride.
10. Walked in a creek or stream and gotten slightly wet.
For me, it's a 'yes' to all of them, even the selfie one. (It's a long story, but for photography purposes.)
I'm probably going to make more posts of this sort when I don't have anything interesting to say.
Adieu! (:
Is my new signature fine or... meh? :p

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

What Should I Do?

Hello. :p
It's nice and springy out, with a high temperature and the air smells like flowers. ^.^
I love spring. Aside for the annoying pollen. *cough*
Sorry for the bad picture quality. I had like five seconds to take it before school.
(Rambling alert!) If I ever get married, then I'm going to have my wedding in the springtime and wear a springy-colored dress. The reception would definitely be outside. (:
Sorry about that.^ It's literally a random stream of thought that I just had.
Anyways, I think that Juniper's Animal Jam Grove has basically been forgotten.
And this blog... well... it isn't exactly in prime condition either.
So, comment; should I keep posting? Yes or no?

Monday, May 12, 2014

I'd like it if you guys left a comment to signify if you've read my posts. You don't have to comment on every single post, as that would be a huge hassle for you, but it would be great if you commented when ever you get the chance. (: *hint, hint*
Anyways, it's scorching today compared to our normal temperature- 88 degrees fahrenheit! It's really mucky from yesterday's rain shower, too. *groan*
I had to trudge through the muddy, damp ground to get to my local swimming pool, where I had swim  practice. (Yes, I swim competitively.)
Anyways, during one of the sets of freestyle 50's (somewhere in the 3rd or 4th set, I think) I started to feel nauseous, so I climbed out of the pool and told the coach. He told me to sit out until I felt better, which I had to do through the whole. Practice. -.-
Afterwards when I came home I still felt queasy and ill for the next 30 minutes, but I felt better after I ate dinner.
Currently I'm supposed to be taking an easy 20-question online math quiz for homework, but I'm only on question 6. I'd better finish it. Afterwards I'll probably watch some Dr. Who. I saw an episode from recommendation and it's kind of interesting. :3

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Just a note: I'm going to post here again. (:
Happy Mother's Day! ^.^
My mom loved the presents, which I posted about on this blog. After we gobbled down a quick breakfast, we went to our church, which was giving out long-stemmed carnations for Mother's Day. There were a ton of them left over afterwards, so I made a bouquet out of them and gave them to my mom. We ended up clipping them and putting them in a vase.
You can kind of see my plaid dress in this picture. :p
My dog was sniffing the bouquet, and he seemed to like the smell. (:
Then, afterwards, we went to a Mother's Day tea. My friend's hand is kind of in this picture too, as we're clinking our glasses filled with fruit that has fluffy whipped cream on top.
^ I got a glazed shortbread cookie, a lemon cookie with a sugared pearl, and a miniature strawberry cupcake. I also had some green tea, picture below.
Here are some more photos from the tea:
Afterwards we went to have a dinner picnic in the park.
My dog was being adorable and photogenic, so I took this picture with the sunlight behind him. :3
These flowers looked kind of like violets to me, but apparently they're tulips.
That's all of the interesting things that happened today. I probably won't have much to post this week, what with school and all.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Today my grade went on a field trip to a park with an enormous creek gushing through the middle. There were all of these loose leaves curling out from the corners of the river, and long, thick grasses that tickled our shoes. As we were strolling along the water, we spotted a female duck and her ducklings poking their beaks in and out of the water in order to sift out minnows to eat. 
After that we did experiments to test the cleanliness of the water by seeing the amount of a certain kind of chemical in it.
After that, most of us (including me) had somehow managed to get our shoes soaked at the toes. It was very uncomfortable having grit in my shoes.
Later, we all went to the next station, where we tickled the stream bottom, looking for underwater life.
While my friend was looking, she accidentally stepped into a trench, and the water gushed over the top of her boots. My boots, which were for loan for the station, were still perfectly fine. However, I thought that she had caught her foot in the muck at the bottom or something because she had one foot planted on a rock, and the other one on the ground. I stepped forward to help her, and sank into the ditch. Cold water quickly trickled over the brim of my boots, getting my pants wet almost to the knees.
I sloshed out of the water, shivering at the coldness. I took a boot off, held it upside down, and poured the miniature Niagra Falls onto the ground.
The rest of the day went kind of uneventfully. I'm going to browse the mall later while Edwingrim (my brother) is at a birthday party. I don't normally like shopping, but maybe there's ice cream involved.
I don't usually get ice cream at malls, but who knows. :p

Saturday, May 3, 2014

CANDLES, the Fair, and Mother's Day.

Hello! (:
Today Edwingrim and I went to the fair at the school.
I arrived there early in the morning and picked out a few items for my mom for mother's day in the shop. I had to creep back and forth between the place where she was and outside, where I was telling my dad what I was going to get her in case that he thought she wouldn't like one of the items.
I eventually ended up getting her:
A blueberry Yankee Candle which is ENORMOUS,
a red-and-gold beaded flower bracelet,
and a another candle that is lavender-scented.
After a while I found Fluffiest and we walked around and looked in the shop some more. Afterwards we went outside to meet Edwingrim. Edwingrim and I both got sno-cones (mine was blueberry and his was cherry), but I only ate around half of mine because it got too soupy after a while.
Later Fluffiest and I split a small bag of popcorn and a stick of candyfloss with our other friend, then went on to play games such as the ring toss and the lollipop tree.
When she left, I went back to the shop and (with permission) got yet ANOTHER candle for around $2. It smelled like vanilla and had pieces of holly pasted to the sides.
At the end I got yet ANOTHER candle when they started giving out things for free. It also smelled like vanilla. :3
You've probably guessed by this post that I really like candles. If you've come to this conclusion, you are right. If you haven't... er... you might want to check your reading comprehension.
I'll probably post again tomorrow as I'm going to the farm of one of my relatives because he was in a car accident. :(

Friday, May 2, 2014

Pollen, ugh. My eyes are stinging. >.<
Sorry, you probably don't want to hear my grumbling. Okay, moving on...!
Today after school got out today I went to my old elementary to set up for the school fair tomorrow and met my friend there. I started by helping in the book section, but most of the books were musty and I kept sneezing, so I helped her with the signs instead. 
We used this gray putty to stick the signs to the walls, but after a while we tired of it and went outside to the back where the 'playground' is. Edwingrim and his friends climbed on the structures while my friend and I walked a loop around the school.
I spotted this vivid pink flower that reminded me kind of of a pufferfish, so I just HAD to take a picture.
My friend, my brother, and I eventually ended up helping a man construct the 'lollipop tree.' He said that we could have a lollipop for free, and I said "thank you" and took a strawberry one with a gum center that took me eons to chew.
Then, afterwards, Edwingrim (my brother) and I came home, and our friend gave us some chocolate-dipped peeps, our part of the prize from a contest that we had won second place in. I tried one and it tasted kind of styrafoam-ey, but the chocolate part was delicious. ^.^

Oh, and more good news! The rain FINALLY stopped. The grass has mostly dried, and now the weather's humid and warm and nice.
Bye for now!
P.S. Should I post more... or less?