Monday, April 21, 2014

The Trip to Florida (Part One)

Hi! (:
I couldn't post journal entries because my phone wouldn't let me log into this Blogger account. >.<
But anyways, I'll just have to make a series of posts describing day by day. Brace yourself. You might want to get movie popcorn or something.
Day 1:
I woke up at 6:15 AM and double-checked that I'd packed everything, then ate a quick breakfast, which I think consisted of a croissant and some watermelon slices. Then my family took a taxi to the airport in the dense rain, and the cab kept bumping up and down over the ruts in the road annoyingly.
Once we got to the airport, going through the baggage check and the rest of the process was a snap because there were very few people crazy enough to be at an airport in the early hours of the morning besides us. 
Once we actually boarded the plane, the flight was delayed for about thirty minutes 'due to inclimate weather.' Everyone on the plane groaned and slumped back in their seats until a minute later the pilot announced over the loudspeaker that the wait had been shortened to fifteen minutes, which made everyone sigh in relief.
The plane flight itself was very bumpy and turbulent, and the clouds were choking up the sky like masses of cotton. The plane kept lurching down, then up again, which made me feel like I was going to fall out of my seat. 
I took this photo using my phone camera once you could actually see something out of the window besides white smog.
By the time that we landed, I felt kind of woozy and ill, but once I munched on some goldfish I felt a bit better. Then, because I was bored, I showed my cousin my Eliza Doolittle* impersonation by singing one of her songs, and she started laughing hysterically.
Once we arrived at the hotel (after getting off of this weird bus with glittery blue seats and flooring) there were four tour guides who kept getting confused over who was giving what tour, so we just opted out on it and went to eat lunch in this quaint cafe branching off of the main building. When lunch was done with, we dashed up the flights of stairs to catch the monorail and go to one of the various Disney parks.
Once we arrived, I immediately
 started photographing plants and attractions, while my brother and cousin drifted around pointing at things that they wanted to see and jumping up and down with excitement. 
We ended up going on only a few rides and saving the roller coasters for later as there wasn't much time. :'(
Should I post more about my trip later?

*Eliza Doolittle is a person from this weird musical called My Fair Lady. She's played by Julie Andrews.

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