Monday, April 14, 2014


All day of today was spent working on school assignments (I finished Math and English! Yay me!), and watching some of Season 5 of Doctor Who. I think that the Amy-person kind of resembles me a bit. Maybe I'll look like her as an adult! :O
Fluffiest and I were also sending emails back and forth to communicate, as she's vacationing and I'm not leaving until tomorrow. Our conversations went kind of like this: 
(I'm not actually using the exact words, btw.)
Fluffiest: Look at this picture of our... lovely view.
Me: Rooftops and chimneys.
Fluffiest: Exactly.
I also went for a two-hour car ride for various errands, which was horrifically boring. On the way, we stopped to go shopping for a few things, and I bought a sweater (white, with blue horizontal stripes and flowers) which was baggy due to the fact that it was an adult petite, and there wasn't a size for kids. *sob*
 Then, once I got back home, I sang some songs from Frozen specifically to annoy Edwingrim (who happens to be my brother in case you didn't know), because listening to singing annoys him, and he happens to despise Frozen. (The horror! :O)
Afterwards, my friend who lives next door to me met me at the fence that divides our two yards to give me a guidebook to the place in Florida that we're going to. After that, I watched Dr. Who on my laptop, and that is basically the dull story of my day.
To make up for the boring-ness, I'm going to try to post journal entries for the days that I'm in Florida, but I might not be able to because I can't exactly bring my laptop on the plane.
That's basically all.


  1. XD I love this blog.
    You should advertise it on your AJ blog!

    1. Aww, thanks!
      I've tried, but no one reads JAJG anymore. :3


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