Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Red Rose Tea and Tons of Other Random Stuff.

Hello, Readers!
Since nothing interesting's really happened to me today aside from the fact that I slipped on the stairs 5+ times, I'll tell you about Sunday.
It was perfect weather, slightly breezy and warm. I woke up around 8 o'clock AM (which is kind of late for me), ate a croissant and some watermelon slices, then walked around a bit outside taking photos of the moist flowers.
We left for church afternoon-ish, and I found an enormous tree with tons of these fluffy, gorgeous pink flowers. They smelled kind of like perfume.
In Sunday class we have tea every week because I saw an old tea set atop a lace tablecloth on display and asked if we could use it to make tea, to which the teacher said yes. There's a lot of tea now, actually. :3
Anyways, this week I saw a new flavor called Rose Red that looked interesting so I made a cup of it using the water-boiler and tea set. It looked kind of a reddish-crimson color and smelled like flowers. When I took a sip, it tasted delicious! I'd already put a spoonful of sugar in but it was so sweet that I didn't really need to.
Afterwards, as we walked out I saw a stray bunch of the fragrant pink flowers from earlier, so I tucked them behind my ear.
Edwingrim doesn't really understand why I like flowers so much, so when he first spotted it, he said that my ear looked like a flower, and I replied, "thank you." Typical little brother questions. xD
I eventually had to take it off, so I took this picture:
(The quality isn't very good because I emailed myself the picture instead of uploading it.)
Afterwards, I went to the party of Tabby's sibling and got rock candy as a party flavor. I liked the pale blue color that looked dark blue in the sunlight.
(Sorry, my hand's annoyingly in this picture too. My nail is light purple because I had a relative over who wanted to paint my nails, so I chose a pale polish.)
Anyways, I have to go because my dog is nudging the door to be let in.
P.S. Random question for you to answer: have you ever had rock candy?

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Hello. :3
Today I didn't really do much... I just worked on a lot of homework and did tons of other pointless stuff.
The one interesting thing I did see, though, was this:
It's two rainbows in an arch around the sun--- a circular double rainbow! :D
I literally had to take this picture while looking away from the camera because the bright sun was making my eyes sting, even with sunglasses. Ah, the perks of having light blue eyes. :L
(^ The lighter eye color you have, the more that the light affects your eye because of a pigment that lacks resistance or something...)
Anyways, I'm going to work on my History homework now. I'm on the unit in the mid-1800's when slavery was taking place, and it's so awful and saaad! :'(
P.S. Please comment 'koi fish' if you read this much. :p

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Happy (Belated) Easter!

I'm nibbling on the ears of a chocolate bunny atm, which just happened to be one of the gifts that I got for Easter.
I also received:

  • Another chocolate bunny, except it's hollow and I think that it's dark chocolate. I'll have to find a way to prevent it from going stale this year, as Easter treats take me literally forever to finish.
  • Bubblegum icebreakers, which I gave away because I despise the flavor bubblegum. Oops. 
  • An enormous white marshmallow bunny wearing a green bow tie, which I'll probably give to Edwingrim as I don't particularly like marshmallows.
  • Tiny bunny chocolates with caramel filling from Vermont. (The whole bunny that is, not just the filling.)
  • Two books, which are veerrryyy interesting.
  • And this weird bunny filled with packets of Laffy Taffy (o.e), which I'm sharing with my brother. 
Could someone kindly come and rob some of our candy? ;)

Afterwards, we went on an egg hunt in which our parents insisted that we use their Easter baskets from when they were little. I took small a golden-colored one that was made out of wire, and Edwingrim took an aqua one made of straw. (In case you haven't noticed, he kind of has a thing for blue.)
We found eggs hidden in the most bizarre places, such as perched atop the brass door hinge and even on one of the upper shelves of a wooden book case!
All in all, it was tons of fun.

Monday, April 21, 2014

The Trip to Florida (Part One)

Hi! (:
I couldn't post journal entries because my phone wouldn't let me log into this Blogger account. >.<
But anyways, I'll just have to make a series of posts describing day by day. Brace yourself. You might want to get movie popcorn or something.
Day 1:
I woke up at 6:15 AM and double-checked that I'd packed everything, then ate a quick breakfast, which I think consisted of a croissant and some watermelon slices. Then my family took a taxi to the airport in the dense rain, and the cab kept bumping up and down over the ruts in the road annoyingly.
Once we got to the airport, going through the baggage check and the rest of the process was a snap because there were very few people crazy enough to be at an airport in the early hours of the morning besides us. 
Once we actually boarded the plane, the flight was delayed for about thirty minutes 'due to inclimate weather.' Everyone on the plane groaned and slumped back in their seats until a minute later the pilot announced over the loudspeaker that the wait had been shortened to fifteen minutes, which made everyone sigh in relief.
The plane flight itself was very bumpy and turbulent, and the clouds were choking up the sky like masses of cotton. The plane kept lurching down, then up again, which made me feel like I was going to fall out of my seat. 
I took this photo using my phone camera once you could actually see something out of the window besides white smog.
By the time that we landed, I felt kind of woozy and ill, but once I munched on some goldfish I felt a bit better. Then, because I was bored, I showed my cousin my Eliza Doolittle* impersonation by singing one of her songs, and she started laughing hysterically.
Once we arrived at the hotel (after getting off of this weird bus with glittery blue seats and flooring) there were four tour guides who kept getting confused over who was giving what tour, so we just opted out on it and went to eat lunch in this quaint cafe branching off of the main building. When lunch was done with, we dashed up the flights of stairs to catch the monorail and go to one of the various Disney parks.
Once we arrived, I immediately
 started photographing plants and attractions, while my brother and cousin drifted around pointing at things that they wanted to see and jumping up and down with excitement. 
We ended up going on only a few rides and saving the roller coasters for later as there wasn't much time. :'(
Should I post more about my trip later?

*Eliza Doolittle is a person from this weird musical called My Fair Lady. She's played by Julie Andrews.

Monday, April 14, 2014


All day of today was spent working on school assignments (I finished Math and English! Yay me!), and watching some of Season 5 of Doctor Who. I think that the Amy-person kind of resembles me a bit. Maybe I'll look like her as an adult! :O
Fluffiest and I were also sending emails back and forth to communicate, as she's vacationing and I'm not leaving until tomorrow. Our conversations went kind of like this: 
(I'm not actually using the exact words, btw.)
Fluffiest: Look at this picture of our... lovely view.
Me: Rooftops and chimneys.
Fluffiest: Exactly.
I also went for a two-hour car ride for various errands, which was horrifically boring. On the way, we stopped to go shopping for a few things, and I bought a sweater (white, with blue horizontal stripes and flowers) which was baggy due to the fact that it was an adult petite, and there wasn't a size for kids. *sob*
 Then, once I got back home, I sang some songs from Frozen specifically to annoy Edwingrim (who happens to be my brother in case you didn't know), because listening to singing annoys him, and he happens to despise Frozen. (The horror! :O)
Afterwards, my friend who lives next door to me met me at the fence that divides our two yards to give me a guidebook to the place in Florida that we're going to. After that, I watched Dr. Who on my laptop, and that is basically the dull story of my day.
To make up for the boring-ness, I'm going to try to post journal entries for the days that I'm in Florida, but I might not be able to because I can't exactly bring my laptop on the plane.
That's basically all.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Long Time No See, Blog

Hi. It's me, in case you've fogotten. 
As a recap, I'm a person known as Edwingrim2 on Blogger who has blue eyes and brown-gold hair. The End.
Well, I have pink eye, which is extremely annoying. And a hurt foot (the same thing as last time, but apparently I might have a stress fracture, so I have to get an 'MRI scan').
But, the good news is that I'm going to Orlando, Florida in five days for Spring Break. Sooo, I'll probably post an entry on what I've done on that day every week.
I have a LOT to update. So, let me start off from today;
There was a raffle at my school, and my friend got called, but sadly she was out because of a surgery. I went and got her prize for her, and everyone was like," Ooh, ___, you got called for the RAFFLE? Cool, you got a bracelet set!" I had to parade the hallway saying," It's not mine, it's ___'s. Thank you, but it's for ___. No, it's for ___, not me." Hehe, you probably get the idea. :3
Then afterwards, I went and got a hair cut and now my it's only to my shoulders! Quite a change, as it used to be a bit below. Unfortunately, my hair also happens to be very annoying and extremely thick, so they 'thinned' my hair with this brush-like thing. Then, after THAT, my family went to get cupcakes for my ill friend, who was out of school. I chose a strawberry macaroon cupcake, a oreo-cheesecake one, a rabbit cupcake, a chick cupcake, and a chocolate truffle cupcake with shards of milk chocolate. We're going to visit her in around 30 minutes and drop them off.
So, that's basically all of the highlights of my day. Oh, and I have a unit test tomorrow in History, so I have to go and study. Siiiigh.
Should I post more, or less? Please comment which! (: