Thursday, June 5, 2014

I can't think of anything to post.
Oh, yeah; we're going on a field trip to someplace (I can't say the exact location, obviously) and I might post a few pictures from there. ^.^
We're taking a charter bus, and it's going to be an all-day thing. I'm verrryyyy excited.
Anyways, here are some have-you-evers for you to answer, because I'm feeling uncreative:
1. Sang a solo?
Yep. It was awesome once I was actually singing, but beforehand I was exploding with nervousness. X3
2. Dranken fizzy lemonade?
IT IS DELICIOUS. I much prefer it to soda.
3. Eaten Saltines?
Yes. They're so delicious, but they're really salty.
4. Been to the fair?
Yes, when I was quite little. I got to go inside the big top. There were all these vendors selling buttered popcorn, candyfloss and shaved ice, and these weird bug-eyed clowns.
5. Curled/straightened your hair?
Nope. My hair's already in curls, so I can't very well curl it more. That would just look... weird. o.o
6. Been on a field trip?
Countless times.
Have fun answering these. I should resume posting normally soon. (:


  1. 1. Yes, and it was SOOOO scary. It was an audition for the Honors Chorus, and my stomach was so butterfly-ee that it was difficult to walk o.o
    I got in, though. :3
    2. Huh. I don't think so. I've had fizzy water and I've had lemonade, but never fizzy lemonade.
    3. Yep. You gave them to me!
    4. Yep!
    5. Nope.
    6. Countless times, like you said.

  2. 1. Sang a solo?
    Never, thankfully.
    2. Dranken fizzy lemonade?
    Yes, I love it!
    3. Eaten Saltines?
    Eaten what? o.O
    4. Been to the fair?
    Yes, I go every year to the one in my town.
    5. Curled/straightened your hair?
    I've got really curly hair, and once I let my cousin straighten it. Weirdest thing ever.
    6. Been on a field trip?
    Tons of times.


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