Sunday, June 29, 2014

Not much going on today.
I woke up at 9:20, which is shockingly late for me, but I'd been up hours longer than I should've because I was reading a good  book.
Because I don't really have any photos, here's a picture of my eye that FluffiestSlug took with her Nikon:
You can see all of the hazel dilations. o.o
I also discovered this weird yummy bottled tea called AriZona.
It's not what I'm used to, but it still tastes delicious. C:
Oh, and guess what?
My swim practices now start at 7:45 AM. So much for sleeping in.
AND I have a swim meet. >.<
Um, yeah. That's basically all.
Sorry for the boring post. Hopefully I'll have better ideas tomorrow.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Nope- it didn't rain. It only drizzled a bit. :p
But I went over to Fluffiest's house, and since her neighborhood is teeming with rabbits and birds, I took a few photos.
Dew on a spiderweb that was strung between the trampled plants.
A large orangey flower. They're springing up all over the place since it's the Summertime.
A purplish flower with purple-tinted petals- there were practically a field of them!
Fluffiest holding the camera with one hand and taking a photo of the flowers. We found a HUGE spider on one of them.
Yeesh. Big, isn't he? /).o
After about an hour of running around and photographing (or trying to photograph) various plants and animals, we saw a adorable cocoa-colored rabbit hopping about in one of the neighbor's yards!
He let us get really close. I took this without zoom. ^.^
I'll probably have more photos up tomorrow.
No, I'm not dead. I just took a hiatus, and should be posting normally again now.
So anyways, I went over to my friend's house (which happens to be close to the pool) before swim team. We had planned to walk to swim team together and pick up her brother- let's call him 'B'- on the way.
 While we were walking to get B, I saw these pretty little miniature daisies that were in bloom and... 
 ... this gorgeous pink rose with dew on it's petals.
Near where we were getting B, there were these odd dewy plants the color of raspberries that had interesting little spines. They felt fluffy to the touch, but I think that an insect might have stung me while I was standing under them.
Today the weather is nice and grey and overcast- I'm hoping for rain so that I can take pictures. ^.^
If it does rain, I'll probably post again today.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

I can't think of anything to post.
Oh, yeah; we're going on a field trip to someplace (I can't say the exact location, obviously) and I might post a few pictures from there. ^.^
We're taking a charter bus, and it's going to be an all-day thing. I'm verrryyyy excited.
Anyways, here are some have-you-evers for you to answer, because I'm feeling uncreative:
1. Sang a solo?
Yep. It was awesome once I was actually singing, but beforehand I was exploding with nervousness. X3
2. Dranken fizzy lemonade?
IT IS DELICIOUS. I much prefer it to soda.
3. Eaten Saltines?
Yes. They're so delicious, but they're really salty.
4. Been to the fair?
Yes, when I was quite little. I got to go inside the big top. There were all these vendors selling buttered popcorn, candyfloss and shaved ice, and these weird bug-eyed clowns.
5. Curled/straightened your hair?
Nope. My hair's already in curls, so I can't very well curl it more. That would just look... weird. o.o
6. Been on a field trip?
Countless times.
Have fun answering these. I should resume posting normally soon. (: