Monday, January 27, 2014

Wind Chill.

Brr, it's so chilly. It seems that the only thing I can ever find to talk about on this blog is the weather. XD
Sorry if this post isn't very lengthy, but I'm kind of in a gloomy mood anyways.
It seems that the wind decided to turn into an annoying, chilly, persistent beast that howls in everyone's ears.
Like so:

Wait, it seems I can't find an imagine, because the only "Wind Monster" images is of these cards with the words 'Yu-Gi-Oh.'
Okay, I don't really want to post pictures of a weird slimy blob with a mouth that is supposed to be a Wind Monster on this blog. I really, really don't.
So instead, I will post a lovely pictures of a huge chunk of ice in our yard:
 I'm sorry that it isn't exactly the most clear, vivid photo in the history of photography, but I took it at night with flash mode on.
Oh, and we experimented with some weird confetti poppers.
Such loud, explosive packaging!
I mean, literally.
This was the result:
A string of colorful confetti. The air smelled like sea salt and gunpowder for like 20 minutes afterwards. We were supposed to hold it away from ourselves and pull on the string. My brother wanted me to go first. No surprise there. :3

Friday, January 17, 2014

Does Anyone Ever Read This Blog? Just Wondering.

It's been quite a while, hasn't it? The last that you heard, it was snowy and slushy and I had an awful cold. Well, I'm glad to report that I no longer have a cold.
But all of the snow is GOOOONE. D:
How sad. -sniff-
Luckily, it's a four day weekend, and I plan to return to blogging, most probably. 
Just a question, though: why have the comments decreased so greatly?
Just a comment, there. 
Anyways, I've been working more on a "real-life" blog, with my friends, in case my sudden disappearance seems baffling.
Well, at school today, we had to dance in gym in front of the other people in our period, which of course was horrifying. And yes, it was an assigned project, not just some random spur-of-the-moment  thing. 
The highlight of the day was watching the dazzling sunrise. True, I see it every morning, but it never gets old. 
Now, for a bunch of random questions that probably make no sense, whatsoever. ^.^
Q: If you were a cat, then which type would you be?
A: That's easy. A Russian Blue.
Q: Do you like waffles?
A: Yesyesyes!!! Of COURSE I do! Who doesn't?
Q: What are you wearing right now?
A: Dark pants, a crimson-red shirt with a pocket, and a polar fleece jacket that is white with pink trim. 
Q: If you were a mythical creature, what would you be?
A: Well, most people in my grade would say," A UNICORN!!!" but I'd be a time-traveling cat or something. :3
Q: Wait, do you not like unicorns?!
A: No, they're alright, just not a mythical creature that resembles me. 
A: Er, I SAID----
Q: Unicorns! 

Ugh, I think that 'Q' is getting a little too rambunctious on the topic of unicorns... /).O
So, we'll move on. I'm going to post a few quotes that I like:
This quote always makes me happy. Especially because I like jam.

Yes, singing makes me happy. And listening to people sing.
There are so many others, but I won't post them all now.
Sorry if I've bored you with this post... I'm groggy, so my thoughts are all muddled.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Snowy Shoes

Hello, Readers!
First, a fair warning: my boots are not made of leather, so do not panic. They are made of a type of fabric.
Now, onto the main topic:
Yes, school was cancelled. That's happening a lot, lately. 
I feel a bit better, but I have an annoying cough, so needless to say, no opera singing for me!
That was a joke there, though. I don't sing opera. :3
Here are some pictures of the ice:

It was coating the ground when I stepped out of the car. 
(We were at a theater, seeing a play, and had just got back.)

I don't think that this picture needs much explanation, but I will say that I do love to run around in the snow. :)
I've also noticed something: my brother likes music with trumpets and fiddles, while I like music with pianos and violins. Heh, that was off-topic.
Anyways, I'm going to be putting up a new poll.

P.S. As you can see, I made a new signature.