Sunday, December 13, 2015


It's currently 9:02 AM and I'm wearing my pajamas, which are raglan sweatpants and a soft shirt that has a ton of constellations and their names printed on it. All I've done today is solve some linear equations, eat a bowl of cereal, and use my computer.



Bask in awe at this glorious photo of my succulents. Mom got them at Whole Foods several weeks ago, and they're actually not shriveled up by this point, which is encouraging. I have the theory that they were on sale because people don't want to buy them during the winter. I've been misting them with water once every week.

I can't believe it's been 11 months since I last posted on here! A lot of things have happened since then. My family took a trip to Barcelona and we got norovirus from going on a cruise, so I had to spend the second and third days of school vomiting and absent. Fun.

Here'r a few photos from the summer:

Ahh, the flower market. I bought a satchel of dried lavender.

A colorful water display in Spain.

A sulky-looking gull.

The Coliseum! I bought a shirt there.


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Like the new layout? It's kind of nice and Springey, I think. ^.^

Speaking of Spring, it feels like we're far from it. For the past week or two, we've been getting heaps and heaps of snow. On one day I woke up and the roads were completely blanketed in it, but the school superintendent decided to be a lunkhead (I'm not sure if that's a term or not, but it seems fitting) and not delay OR cancel school. So I had to trudge through the dense sheet of powder, slipping and sliding on ice, to get to the bus stop. >:U

Once we got to school, all of the kids were outraged that school hadn't been canceled. We wrote very vicious acrostics for 'SNOW DAY' in English that certainly *cough* expressed our anger. Here's a typical example of one of the acrostics:

S- Superintendant is missing 90% of their brain
N- Now we're stuck at school
O- Only an insane creep would make us leave home in this weather
W- We don't want to be at school!

D- Dopes like the superintendent deserve a punch
A- Almost everyone here is angry
Y- You'd have to be a lunatic to like school after this

Really eloquent, huh? X3

After school, I went sledding on a gigantic slope that about 30-35 other kids were skidding down on their neon-colored plastic disk sleds. Here's roughly what it looked like:

The plum-colored slope represents the big hill that the majority of the kids were sliding down, and the thing that looks like a stick with rungs between that and the pink hill (aka the smaller slope) is the stairs.

The year prior, I'd been run over by two separate sleds at the same time on the plum-colored hill, so I mostly stuck to the smaller hill. But at the end, I went down the plum-colored hill by accident when I was trying to push my brother off of the precipice so that he would go down. I ended up clinging to the back of the disk sled and whooping my head off. XP

A few days later, the top coat of powder that we'd gone sledding on melted away. All of the water that was left froze up into a sheet of ice overnight, so our school got delayed. c:<

Friday, October 31, 2014

Not much has been going on lately, at all. :P It's nice and chilly out tonight, which should make for perfect Trick-Or-Treating weather. 
The sky's also really overcast and gloomy. ^ Last year (or was it the year before? o.o) it started drizzling the tiniest bit and all of the kids freaked out because the parents kept on calling it a 'large storm,' or something. But it never actually was a storm at all.
This year I'm going with my younger brother and 2 year old cousin, who is currently entertaining himself by watching annoying toddler videos about 'swimming in the swimming pool.' It's rather traumatizing to my ears. >.< *groans loudly*
I'm going as the Roman goddess of snow, Khione. I'm wearing a velvety blue dress with itchy silver embroidery and a trim that's feathery and soft. Here'r a few photos of it:

(For some reason, my weird natural highlights look sparkly in that photo o3o)
A few days ago, we also took my cousin Mason to the zoo. I'm not always the biggest fan of zoos, but this one was okay. ^.^
We went to see the small mammals, and one of them hopped back and forth in front of the glass as if posing. It was rather weird.

We also saw this mammal who was sleeping pressed against a rock. It doesn't sound very comfortable, but for some reason, he managed to stay balanced by pressing himself against the top!
A bit after I took that photo, the furry animal seemed to wake up a bit and started gnawing on the rock.

He also had a friend, who was perched on the ledge above him:
There were also these two mammals that looked like a mixture of a hamster and a rabbit, who were gnawing on hay.

After that, we took my cousin on the ferris wheel. He kept looking at the animals bobbing up and down as if they were alive!
Well, I should probably go: mom's calling me for dinner.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Today's been sort of a lazy day, with me finishing up a bit of homework and watching a few episodes of Dr. Who, Series 6 (which turned out to be fantastic :D).
The Time of the Angels, the one that I'm on, is massively creepy. o.o Definitely fitting for Halloween.
The only other non-dull things happening are that two pumpkins are growing in my yard, and by now they're pretty enormous. Almost the size of my head by now! We think that they may be able to be harvested soon ^.^
We have this weird tradition of naming our pumpkins: the first one being Greg (obviously chosen by my brother), the second Squash (me being ironic), and the third is something like... Tom? I forget. :P
I also made a poster based on a book I read, Counting by 7s, for school. It took me eons to color everything in neatly. >.<
I THREE tests next week- one on Wednesday, one on Monday, and one on Friday. *groans loudly*

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

More Trip Photos ^-^

 Gorgeous flower.
 My eye
 Beautiful Hawaiian mountainside.
 Pineappley vanilla dole whip!
 Tiki torches.
 Waves crashing on the rocks.
 Sea foam spray.
Feet in the tide pool c: